About kennethcurtis
About kennethcurtis.com
Kennethcurtis.com is a dynamic site that is created to explore an area of art that very few sites seem to do. The first side of the site is to showcase fine and applied art and how to create it. The second side is to examine the use of technology to create, enhance, and display the art. This is done by including information from the perspective of an artist for our intended audience, again artists.
What do I consider to be an artist? This is the tough question, and my guess is that there will be some “creep” in the actual definition as time goes by as Kennethcurtis.com matures. To give a short definition that I’m using right now that would allow inclusion to this site, is anything that is created with an attempt to express a feeling or an opinion with the intent to be shown to others. Now this in not all encompassing and as the editor I will have the final word in what makes it into the site and what doesn’t. Bad art may be art but I don’t believe that we will be focusing on bad art in this site.
Some of the areas that I will focus on are painting, illustration, photography, applied design, motion graphics, video and film production, sculpture, software used for the arts, typography, and pretty much anything you can think of.
Why use the name kennethcurtis.com? The best answer may also the simplest, I had the domain name and didn’t have a clear way to use it. It had been my personal site for about eighteen years and I replaced it will kencurtis.in in 2014. At first I thought that it wouldn’t work because it’s my name, but then I started thinking about other businesses/web sites that use names. Some of them that I can think of are, Ashleymadison and johnhancock. So it may be somewhat strange but it’s not unheard of either.
About Me
I am a former professor that taught graphic design, web design, design software, and art fundamentals in the US and in Dubai. I taught for about ten years and decided to travel around the world for about five. I have a BS in graphic design and an MA and MFA in computer art, and I have minors in computer generated animation and printmaking. I also am a student of video production that includes motion graphics and visual effects.
I recently moved back to the US (in April) and decided that my first ‘real’ project would be to see if I can get this site started up. It’s been a goal of mine to have a site with the same aspirations as I’ve laid out above. I’m hoping that others will agree and will want to join in.

Before the change
The orginal site was made to focus on my personal life. Unfortunately, after 15 years it had become so detailed and complex I couldn't make changes to it. My only choice was to build a new personal site, Kencurtis.in and convert this domain site to what I'm trying to do now, an art site.